
Chomik Almanac

Here you can find all the chomiks I've made so far categorized by their in-game location.

Just click the image of the area you wish to check out the chomiks.

I recommend middle-clicking with the mouse to keep this one open in case you need to check multiple things.

Main Game

These are all the chomiks obtainable in the main Roblox game + the ones that are not physical


Nothing Nothing Ice Blocky Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder Spawn Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder Nothing Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Placeholder




Realms are private Roblox experiences accessed through hidden areas or puzzles in the main game, which contain more chomiks that are themed depending on the realm they're from.

There are also some realms that are hidden within realms! Isn't it exciting? :D

Coming Later